DPF Cleaning
Do you drive a diesel vehicle?
If you drive a diesel car or van the chances are you have a Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF). These filters are in place to reduce harmful emissions released into the atmosphere. They require frequent regeneration to keep the DPF from blocking with soot and ash.
The problem
The regeneration process will not self initiate for numerous reasons
- Soot or ash content is excessively high
- Engine management light on
- Oil change required
DPF Related Components
There are many components relating to your DPF and we have seen problems with them all over the years. Pressure sensors, Temperature sensors, Vaporizers, Nox Sensors, Oxygen sensors, Catalytic convertors, EGR valves, Injectors, Turbos just to name the most frequent.
Different Systems
There are different systems for different DPF’s. Some have a CAT & DPF in the same unit some separate, Some use additives such as Eloys/Pats fluid, Some regenerate through the diesel injectors and some have a separate injector vaporizer. And the latest Euro6 engines have AddBlue technology to reduce the Nox gas’ to a lower level still.
DPF Cleaning
We offer different levels of dpf cleaning depending on vehicle and circumstances.
1. DPF Additive & Forced Regeneration
This involves plugging the vehicle into diagnostics to check there are no faults that could stop a regeneration, Adding a specialist DPF additive to the diesel and carrying out a forced regeneration.
2. DPF On Car Clean
This involves plugging the vehicle into diagnostics to check there are no faults that could stop a regeneration, performing a chemical clean with the DPF still on the vehicle and then perform a forced regeneration.
3. DPF Off Car Clean
This involves plugging the vehicle into diagnostics to check there are no faults that could stop a regeneration, removing the DPF from the vehicle and carrying out a 2 part chemical clean and flush and then perform a forced regeneration.
4. DPF Replacement
Unfortunately some DPF break up internally or are beyond the parameters for cleaning and the only option is a replacement. We can fit a new OE quality DPF and reset all the parameters.
DPF problems can be a big issue, we have seen cars that customers have spent thousands of pounds on elsewhere with new filters and parts only to block again in just a few hundred miles. We have the knowledge, Diagnostics and experience to get to the bottom of your car.